Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2017 Jan Jancar
# This file is a part of the Mailman PGP plugin.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.

"""REST interface to a PGP enabled mailing list."""
from lazr.config import as_boolean
from mailman.interfaces.action import Action
from mailman.interfaces.listmanager import IListManager
from mailman.interfaces.member import MemberRole
from import (accepted, bad_request,
                                  child, CollectionMixin, etag,
                                  forbidden, GetterSetter, no_content,
                                  not_found, NotFound, okay)
from import (enum_validator, PatchValidator,
                                    UnknownPATCHRequestError, Validator)
from pgpy.errors import PGPError
from public import public
from zope.component import getUtility

from mailman_pgp.config import config
from mailman_pgp.database import transaction
from mailman_pgp.model.list import PGPMailingList
from mailman_pgp.utils.pgp import key_from_blob, key_merge
from import enumflag_validator, workflow_validator
from mailman_pgp.workflows.key_change import (KeyChangeModWorkflow,

                workflow_validator(KeyChangeWorkflow, KeyChangeModWorkflow)),

for attribute, gettersetter in list(VALIDATORS.items()):
    if gettersetter.decoder is None:
        del VALIDATORS[attribute]

class _PGPListBase(CollectionMixin):
    def _resource_as_dict(self, emlist):
        """See `CollectionMixin`."""
        resource = {}
        for attribute, getter in ATTRIBUTES.items():
            value = getter.get(emlist, attribute)
            if isinstance(value, (set, frozenset)):
                value = list(iter(value))
            resource[attribute] = value
        resource['self_link'] = self.api.path_to(
        return resource

    def _get_collection(self, request):
        """See `CollectionMixin`."""
        return PGPMailingList.query().all()

[docs]class AllPGPLists(_PGPListBase): """The PGP enabled mailing lists."""
[docs] def on_get(self, request, response): """/lists""" resource = self._make_collection(request) return okay(response, etag(resource))
[docs]class APGPList(_PGPListBase): """One PGP enabled mailing list.""" def __init__(self, list_identifier): manager = getUtility(IListManager) if '@' in list_identifier: mlist = manager.get(list_identifier) else: mlist = manager.get_by_list_id(list_identifier) self._mlist = PGPMailingList.for_list(mlist)
[docs] def on_get(self, request, response): """/lists/<list_id>""" if self._mlist is None: not_found(response) else: okay(response, self._resource_as_json(self._mlist))
[docs] def on_put(self, request, response): """/lists/<list_id>""" if self._mlist is None: not_found(response) else: validator = Validator(**VALIDATORS) try: with transaction(): validator.update(self._mlist, request) except ValueError as error: bad_request(response, str(error)) else: no_content(response)
[docs] def on_patch(self, request, response): """/lists/<list_id>""" if self._mlist is None: not_found(response) else: try: validator = PatchValidator(request, VALIDATORS) except UnknownPATCHRequestError as error: bad_request(response, 'Unknown attribute: {}'.format(error.attribute)) return try: with transaction(): validator.update(self._mlist, request) except ValueError as error: bad_request(response, str(error)) else: no_content(response)
[docs] def key(self, context, segments): if self._mlist is None: return NotFound(), [] return AListKey(self._mlist), []
[docs] def pubkey(self, context, segments): if self._mlist is None: return NotFound(), [] return AListPubkey(self._mlist), []
[docs]class AListKey: """A PGP private key.""" def __init__(self, mlist): self._mlist = mlist
[docs] def on_get(self, request, response): """/lists/<list_id>/key""" if not config.get_value('rest', 'allow_read_private_key'): forbidden(response) return key = self._mlist.key if key is None: not_found(response) else: resource = dict(key=str(key), key_fingerprint=str(key.fingerprint)) okay(response, etag(resource))
[docs] def on_put(self, request, response): """/lists/<list_id>/key""" if not config.get_value('rest', 'allow_write_private_key'): forbidden(response) return try: validator = Validator(key=GetterSetter(key_from_blob)) values = validator(request) except (ValueError, PGPError) as error: bad_request(response, str(error)) return key = values.pop('key') if key.is_public: bad_request(response, 'Cannot set a public key.') return with transaction(): self._mlist.key = key accepted(response)
[docs]class AListPubkey: """A PGP list public key.""" def __init__(self, mlist): self._mlist = mlist
[docs] def on_get(self, request, response): """/lists/<list_id>/pubkey""" pubkey = self._mlist.pubkey if pubkey is None: not_found(response) else: resource = dict(public_key=str(pubkey), key_fingerprint=str(pubkey.fingerprint)) okay(response, etag(resource))
[docs] def on_put(self, request, response): """/lists/<list_id>/pubkey""" # merge pubkey with the current one. Assume all new sigs are valid. try: validator = Validator(public_key=GetterSetter(key_from_blob)) values = validator(request) except (ValueError, PGPError) as error: bad_request(response, str(error)) return key = values.pop('public_key') try: key_merge(self._mlist.key, key) except ValueError as e: bad_request(response, str(e)) return accepted(response)